

We finished the shop walls today!

Finally! It took longer than I thought it would and got darker than I had envisioned but it sure does have that "Old World" look to it. The quote above the door says: Home Is Where The Heart Is. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them.
My friend Marilyn was such a huge help! I never would have finished it today if it wasn't for her. Thanks so much Marilyn! Marilyn and I had such a great day today! Yard Saleing till noon and then working on the walls the rest of the day.

See the little rusty wagon that "appeared" in the back room? It was just what I was looking for and will be getting a make-over tomorrow and be sitting just outside the door for our opening.


  1. Looks Stunning !!! You did a fantastic job.....Now start selling...Love Tiina.....

  2. You guys did a FABULOUS job on the walls! They're beautiful. It'll really add a good "feel" to the shop. Like the kind of shop you walk in and you just want to move in and live there. Good luck

  3. That is just an amazing finish! I'm not sure I've ever seen something so FAB!


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